Donald Trump’s Project 2025 Will Rob You Of Abortion, Birth Control & IVF
If you think that Trump will stop at red state abortion bans - you are wrong. He’s just getting starting
If you haven’t heard about Project 2025 yet or have just heard some vague references to it, I’m not surprised.
Most big mainstream news organizations, whether they are TV networks or news sites, have just started covering Project 2025, which is Donald Trump’s chilling authoritarian plan for ‘ruling’ as ‘a dictator on day one’.
While Trump claimed last week that he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025 and doesn’t know who's behind it, that’s just another of his whopper- size lies.
Project 2025 includes a very clear agenda to end the reproductive freedom of every woman in America - no more abortion, IVF and very limited availability of contraceptives - that is, if they aren’t completely banned.
Yes, this sounds insane, but it’s true. Just remember, that a few years ago none of us truly would have imagined that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe V Wade and that American states would be banning abortions from conception, with no exceptions for rape or incest and barely for the lives of mothers.
But now, we are living in that nightmare.
And that’s thanks to Donald Trump, who promised as a presidential candidate to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, who would overturn Roe.
He kept his promise, adding three right wingers to the highest court in the land and they fulfilled their mission.
Trump has bragged that he ‘killed Roe” but now with the election looming, he’s trying to pretend that he’s a moderate on abortion and only wants to ban “late term” abortions - which can mean anything after 12 weeks ( not so late at all!)
But beware, no matter how much Trump tries to confuse you about his true abortion position or lies about not knowing what Project 2025 is, his finger prints are all over it. Project 2025’s goals are Trump’s.
This governing plan has been compiled by his allies at the ultra right wing Heritage Foundation, an organization which he has publicly praised and whose events he has attended.
The authors of the 900 online document reads like a who’s who of former officials from Trump’s last administration including immigrant child separator - in - chief Steven Miller , Russ Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget and Peter Navarro, his now jailed former Deputy Assistant.
Oh, and by the way, Russ Vought has been involved in writing the new Republican policy platform for the 2024 election, which will be unveiled at the Republican National Convention starting July 15, and he’s reportedly in line to be Chief of Staff if Trump is elected.
So Trump was lie, lie, lying about not knowing about Project 2025. He’s in bed with it, and its chapters include all kinds of ways that will enable him to use the federal government including the Justice Department to exact the revenge and retribution he desperately wants against all his past, current and future political opponents.
Oh, and by the way, Project 2025 states that he will invoke the Insurrection Act in order to use the military against everyday ordinary citizens who may peacefully protest his authoritarian policies.
Once you read this, if you want to learn more about Project 2025, Media Matters has an excellent summary guide and Courier Newsroom has a terrific Instagram video about it.
Then, if you are as terrified as I am about how it will destroy the freewheeling, free thinking and living America that we all love, then please, please talk to your friends and family about it.
I urge you to spread the word since the mainstream media has just started covering Project 2025 and most voters still have no idea of what Trump and his right wing cronies have planned if he wins the White House again.
I’ve torn my hair out watching news programs on MSNBC or listening to NPR segments which promise to cover Project 2025, but then never go beyond issuing a warning about how it will change the very nature of American life - without ever telling viewers how it would actually do that.
So I’m going to give you a short overview and then bullet point Project 2025’s manifesto for ending the reproductive freedom of every woman in the country, as well as its major plans for pulling healthcare away from millions and millions of Americans.
The chilling grand plan Project 2025 is this: to transform democratic America in which we all enjoy the freedom to be ourselves and to express ourselves, into a totalitarian state in which we all have to obey rigid Christian Nationalist fundamentalist religious beliefs.
Project 2025 and its Christian Nationalism edicts will suck the joy and love out of life.
Andra Watkins, a columnist here on Substack has written a tremendous series of posts on what Christian Nationalism is and what its millions of followers believe. She also explains how these beliefs are very clearly expressed in Project 2025. I highly recommend that you read her work.
Christian Nationalists in Trump’s administration will use the power of the federal government to force every American to conform with their narrow anti science, anti art and culture and anti diversity view of life.
They are extreme religious zealots who believe their way is the ONLY way and therefore they will refuse to compromise. There are already a number of GOP Christian Nationalists in Congress - including Republican Senator Josh Hawley. And you’ve already see how they refuse to work with Democrats.
Trump and his Project 2025 and Christian Nationalist partners want to turn us into a society where men rule, women exist only to marry, obey their husbands and reproduce, no one has sex except with the aim of procreating, LGBTQ people are subjected to massive discrimination - transgender people are deemed non- existent.
The poor are forced into even more destitution , healthcare is denied to tens of millions, climate change is a hoax, public education becomes religious education, teaching about slavery and America’s history of racism will be forbidden, 15 - 20 million immigrants - many legal -will be rounded up and deported and the civil service and federal government will no longer be there to help and serve the American people.
Civil servants will take a loyalty oath to Trump and only serve and do his bidding - not yours, despite the fact that your taxpayer money pays for federal services.
And if you don’t like it - including if big corporations or even other rich people don’t like it - Trump will use every part of the government including the Justice Department and the IRS to go after you and them.
That’s what happens in a dictatorship and Donald has already said in interviews that yes, he will be a dictator. He’s not trying to hide it.
He will operate as if the Constitution that the founders wrote doesn’t exist. And we’ve seen with HIS Supreme Court, that they will no doubt let him do it. They have already given him wide immunity to commit crimes as president.
So how will all of this affect you and your reproductive freedom? And also the freedom to express your own sexual and gender preferences?
Abortion will be ended nationally. The prescription drug mifepristone will be withdrawn from the market by Trump’s FDA chief, who will claim it’s unsafe. Women will die. These zealots don’t care if you die!
The 1873 Comstock Act which prohibits the transportation across state lines of medication abortion pills and surgical equipment used in traditional abortions, will be enforced by Trump’s Justice Department. That will be a backdoor way of banning abortions without utilizing Congress.
‘Fetal personhood’ will be recognized and protected, which means that every fertilized egg will have the same legal rights as American women,
IVF will be banned, since it will be illegal to accidentally destroy a fertilized egg since it has been given ‘personhood’ in Project 2025
Contraception will be curtailed if not totally banned since Christian Nationalists believe, without scientific evidence that many contraceptives like the morning after pill, the regular pill, and IUDs, destroy fertilized eggs
Government -mandated births of every pregnancy will be the rule. Women will have to carry every fetus with a fatal anomaly to term even if their own lives are threatened
Women will be denied emergency abortions at hospitals.
Every American pregnant woman would be required to be tracked in a nationwide database
Women who get abortions will be tracked in a CDC database
The DepartmentLife of Health and Human Services will be renamed the Department of Life
The Affordable Care Act Will Be Ended
Biden policies such as $35 for insulin for seniors and negotiating lower drug prices for Americans, will end
Legal gay marriage will end
Only two biological sexes will be recognized
Being trangender will not be recognized
The federal government will allow LGBTQ people to be discriminated against in every way
Trans and LGBTQ people will be ejected from the military
I know that this all sounds so alien to the America - ‘Land of The Free’ - that we have all grown up with, but this is what Trump is desperate to do if he is elected president in November.
His goal with Project 2025 is to rule the country with all encompassing power so he can do whatever he wants.
His goal is also to transform your life so you will no longer find yourself in a diverse, freedom - loving democracy with choices over your own body - whether you can have children and even whether you can save your own life and fertility.
Please take this seriously - he does.
Thank you for writing this important article