Donald Trump Has Not Moderated His Abortion Position - Don't Let Him Trick You
All the hype around Trump supposedly washing his hands of abortion bans at the recent Republican convention is a pile of BS. Here's how he's actually doubling down.
If you were paying any attention to coverage of the Republican National Convention, you probably saw lots of misleading headlines about how Donald Trump has ‘moderated’ his position on abortion or that he’s gone ‘soft’ on his war against abortion.
After all, neither Trump, his new VP pick JD Vance or major speakers at the convention publicly mentioned the “A” word.
There were even news stories about anti abortion groups supposedly being furious with Trump and the Republicans for not talking onstage about their commitment to a national abortion ban and for supposedly moving to a more centrist position.
Gullible media organizations even pointed out that the word, ‘abortion’, wasn’t spelled out in their 2024 party platform.
I am saying, ‘gullible’, because these media members swallowed the misleading message that Trump and Republicans were doling out as they tried to induce amnesia in voters - especially women - about the entire abortion issue.
Trump and the GOP did their best to try to make Americans forget that they were the party of forced births.
After all, Donald Trump is very aware that 64 % of women today think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do 61 % of men. Only 33% of American women believe it should be illegal in all or most cases.
And Trump knows that you don’t win elections when almost two thirds of your potential voters detest the 22 draconian state abortion bans that have been imposed, thanks to you.
That’s why Trump wants voters - especially women to just conveniently forget the fact that he appointed three Roe - ending Supreme Court justices to the Supreme Court and that he has called the decisions by those 22 states to ban abortion - some from the moment of conception -”beautiful things.”
It was very deliberate that his minions made sure that the word, abortion was never spoken aloud onstage at the convention and that the word, ‘abortion’, itself didn’t appear in in the official party platform.
But it was just a mirage.
Trump and the Republicans who have given you state abortion bans with no exceptions for rape, incest , fatal fetal anomalies and health issues of the mother - are NOT BACKING DOWN FROM ENDING ABORTION NATIONWIDE.
Trump is just in cahoots with his Christian Nationalist allies as ever.
In fact his Project 2025 plan for governing as an authoritarian is a complete wishlist for Christian Nationalists who want to end women’s reproductive freedom and force women to be pregnant, without independent income and in the kitchen again. No more taking jobs away from men…. especially the job of the presidency!
And yes, Trump, JD Vance and the Republican party are ready to end access to IVF and most contraception. They just they hid these goals in plain sight in their platform.
Here’s how they they did it:
They put this exact language in their party platform : “We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life, Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given given to the States and to a vote of the People.”
Now, I don’t blame you if you think this sounds like gobbledegook and why are they talking about the 14th Amendment in relation to families and Life, anyway??
Well - the 14th Amendment reference actually screams loudly and clearly to all the anti abortion Republicans and their extremist anti abortion group supporters that they remain committed to their position that ‘unborn’ ‘persons’ are entitled to all the same rights as actual living human beings who have been ‘born.’
And just to be clear - the ‘unborn’ - includes fertilized eggs. So Donald Trump and the Republicans want to give every fertilized egg from the moment of conception, the same rights to Life and Liberty as to any woman who is carrying that egg.
Also remember, that the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to give full rights and liberties as citizens to formerly enslaved people. Now, Republicans are asserting that the writers of this amendment actually intended that the ‘unborn’ were included for protection under this amendment as well.
That means that the 2024 Republican platform is saying without putting it explicitly - to uninformed reporters and writers who covered the platform - that they are as deeply committed as ever to their goal to end abortion nationwide.
They also give a wink, wink to the Red states to start trying to pass laws to protect the unborn. ( Did you notice that ‘power has been given to the States, line?)
Then, they can work to get these state laws - through expected legal challenges - all the way up to Donald Trump’s ultra right wing Supreme Court. After their success is getting Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh etc to overturn 50 years of precedent and kill Roe, they believe this reactionary judicial crew will agree that fertilized eggs have ‘personhood.”
And that is end goal - every abortion illegal - even to save the life of the mother, the end to IVF and the end to accessing most effective birth control.
The reason that I’m so certain that I’m on the right track here is that the 2016 Republican platform said the exact same thing as 2024’s but with even more detail.
Here’s exactly what it pronounced : we “assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.”
Yup - the Republicans want a Constitutional amendment and/or national legislation, upheld by the Supreme Court, to protect the ‘unborn.’
And if Donald Trump is elected he will proceed with his diabolical Project 2025 plan and support for state bans and legislation to protect the ‘unborn’.
And I’ll repeat it again - that means no IVF, no contraception like the IUD, no Plan B, no ‘Pill’ or any other kind of birth control that anti abortion zealots believe will prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus.
I’m not joking - this is real.
It’s also all laid out in detail in Trump’s Project 2025 mandate for governing if he’s elected in November. Here’s a short bulleted summary of his plans to end all reproductive rights.
Most American women never believed that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe V Wade, but it did.
Most American women didn’t believe that even Red states would implement Tump abortion bans that were so extreme that they would begin at conception or six weeks and would allow virtually no exceptions.
But 22 states did!
So believe it, when the Republican platform talks about the 14th Amendment. Donald Trump will either sign a national abortion ban if America gives him a Republican Senate and House, or he will per Project 2025 , enforce the 1873 Comstock Act, which will prevent the transportation of prescription “abortion pills” and the surgical equipment needed to perform abortions, across state lines.
That will effectively end abortion nationwide. Trump, as president, can also appoint an FDA chief who can simply withdraw the abortion pills - mifepristone and misoprostol - from the market, just by designating them as unsafe.
He has NOT moderated his position. He just tried to deceive Americans by hiding it from plain sight.
And if you don’t believe me, just look at “childless, cat woman hating” JD Vance, who Trump chose as his Vice Presidential pick.
Vance spoke out in support of a national abortion ban in 2022.
He just voted against the ‘Right To IVF’ Act in the Senate. He also recently refused to vote for the Right To Contraception Act.
Donald Trump found his perfect anti abortion partner to join his 2024 ticket.
Perfect for him and his anti abortion Republican party.
But win for them in November, will be a reproductive health nightmare for you. Or for your wife, your girlfriend, your daughter or your grand daughter.
Spread the word! Far and wide!